Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Why is health insurance so expensive?

The health insurance and the health industry is very complex.  There are many reasons why health insurance is expensive, but as a consumer there are ways that you can help this.  Check out the video below, and then we will be posting more information about healthcare reform and how this will help and hurt healthcare premiums.

As a business we work with your group to structure your plan to reduce claims and improve the overall health and wellness of your group.  What if we could save your group health plan 10-20% by making some changes to how your group health plan is structured and works?  We can also improve absenteeism, productivity, and improve the overall business workplace. Would it be worth 15 minutes of your time to talk to me and show you how I'm doing this for my clients?  Call me today!

Check this out:  http://www.youtube.com/user/staysmartstayhea1thy#p/u/27/JYC2DJWU41s

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